Since there has been an increase of people who have lost their ability to smell and taste, I wanted to dig deeper and find out what was the scientific reason behind the most common reason.  It seems that the "olfactory sensory neurons" do not necessarily get damaged. According to the research, it is actually an interruption in the line of communication .... the transmitting and interpreting of "signals" .... that is the culprit. This means the sense of smell can be recovered by retraining the brain. 

Why it is important to regain your smell and taste
For one thing, smell directly impacts your sense of taste. In fact, 80% of the flavors you taste are achieved through your sense of smell. In 2018, my husband lost his sense of smell and taste due to an infection. In some ways he appreciated not being able to smell the "dump" as we drove past it. However, it was also dangerous as he would not be able to smell if there was a gas leak or other dangerous situation. And, taste .... well, my guy loves to eat and loves the flavorful food I make. Did it stop him from eating? No .... however, it definitely was not as enjoyable. This is not to say that, for some people, they may eat less which could lead to health and emotional issues. 

How to Regain Your Smell and Taste
There is an approved and recommended protocol that has been clinically tested. You can grab it here. Keep in mind it could take up to 3 months to recover. The important thing to remember for best results is consistency, consistency, consistency. Along with this protocol you will find an action plan and additional tips for speeding up your recovery. 


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