Be Intentional: Why Do You Bloat After Eating

In this blog post, I discuss the importance of being intentional about your health and understanding the different types of bloating that can occur. Whether it's protein bloat, starchy foods bloat, dietary fats bloat, or sugars/fibers bloat, each type requires a unique approach for relief.


Do You Suffer From Frequent Bloating, Gas or Stomach Cramping?

Do You Suffer From Frequent Bloating, Gas or Stomach Cramping?
If you suffer from bloating, gas or stomach cramping, you may have an inflammatory-type bowel condition such as:

  • Chrohn’s
  • Celiac
  • IBS
These conditions can affect any part of the digestive system...from the stomach where food is broken down .... all the way to the small intestine where absorption of nutrients takes place. 

When inflammation is present then the possibility of malabsorption increases.  Malabsorption means nutritional deficiencies.  What are some of these and what contributes to the malabsorption?