What exactly is leaky brain? If you have or currently experience brain fog or difficulty concentrating, you may very well have leaky brain.

If you have ever experienced seasonal allergies, most likely you have used an “antihistamine” …. Benadryl or Allegra …. to help with those itchy eyes, sneezes, drippy, nose and congestion. They work because they stop the “histamine response” your body is making to something it doesn’t like and views as an enemy.
A “histamine response” travels throughout the bloodstream and, so, can affect your lungs, skin, brain, gut and cardiovascular system. Have you noticed, however, how more and more people are having increased reactions to foods?
Read more...A “histamine response” travels throughout the bloodstream and, so, can affect your lungs, skin, brain, gut and cardiovascular system. Have you noticed, however, how more and more people are having increased reactions to foods?

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room. We ALL have body odor in one way, shape or form. There is just no getting around that. The question is what is the best way to manage and reduce it?
High Fiber Foods
Fiber is something we need but it is something that just does not break down easily, if at all, in the digestive system. So, it goes without saying that high fiber foods are even worse. Once fiber enters the colon it reacts with bacteria to form gas, and, well, you know the rest of THAT story!
If you suffer from bloating, gas or stomach cramping, you may have an inflammatory-type bowel condition such as:
- Chrohn’s
- Celiac
These conditions can affect any part of the digestive system...from the stomach where food is broken down .... all the way to the small intestine where absorption of nutrients takes place.
When inflammation is present then the possibility of malabsorption increases. Malabsorption means nutritional deficiencies. What are some of these and what contributes to the malabsorption?
Folic Acid, or synthetic B9, is the industries standard in most supplements. It must undergo a process to be converted into a form that is easily assimilated. This requires the enzyme MTHFR. Unfortunately, 30-60% of people have a defective or mutated form of this enzyme so they cannot create enough of it.