Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. It is responsible for over 300 enzymatic reactions that help make proteins and DNA. Magnesium also helps make bone and regulates muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. One of its most important roles is producing energy for your cells.
Magnesium, like most minerals, cannot be made in your body by itself, and must therefore be plentiful in your diet or used supplementally in order for you to remain healthy. Unfortunately, because modern farming practices have left the soils depleted, it is pretty difficult to get enough magnesium, even on a real-food or nutrient-dense food diet. It isn’t because you aren’t eating enough magnesium-rich food, but because the nutrient isn’t there for the plants to access in the first place. One study declared that at least 75% of Americans do not have adequate magnesium. (Certain medications, chronic alcoholism, and chronic diarrhea conditions .... Crohn's, celiac, IBD, Type 2 Diabetes .... may also be contributing factors.)
Magnesium Deficiency Signals
- Muscle cramping, especially with exercise
- Restless leg syndrome (RLS) or muscle spasms
- Headaches and migraines
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Constipation
- Fatigue
How Magnesium Is Beneficial For Thyroid And Autoimmune Health
In June, 2021, Discover magazine stated that ten million Americans, or 3 percent of the population, have a dysfunctional thyroid, and is estimated that another 14 million are undiagnosed.
- maximized magnesium levels required for thyroid to function correctly
- needed to convert T4 to T3 so cells receive the more potent form of thyroid hormone
- reduces inflammation
- autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's) creates inflammation
- unchecked can lead to systemic inflammation and increased infections and food sensitivities (Leaky Gut)
- reduces nutrient absorption leading to deficiencies
- autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's) creates inflammation
- relieves sleeplessness or insomnia
- improved sleep improves food processing, regulating of blood sugar and control of inflammation
- reduces migraine headaches
- a research study showed people with migraines had a much lower magnesium level than those without migraines
- lowers blood pressure
- underactive thyroid produces secondary high blood pressure.
- Clinical trials: magnesium supplementation for one month elevated magnesium levels and reduced blood pressure
- calming effects and muscle relaxer
- beneficial for those with Fibromyalgia, Raynaud's, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- vital for maintaining a healthy heart
- stabilizes the heart rhythm
- prevents abnormal blood clotting in the heart
- significantly lowers risk of heart attacks and strokes and can aid in recovery
Ways To Increase Your Magnesium
Generally speaking, foods containing dietary fiber provides magnesium. The nutrient requirements are 400-420mg for men and 310-320mg for women. There is no real risk of getting too much magnesium. However, if your "lower hemisphere plumbing" is causing you to run to the bathroom a little too much, you may want to consider cutting back.
AIP-Compliant, Magnesium-Rich Foods
- Spinach
- Avocado
- Banana
- Salmon
- Halibut
- Raisins
- Chicken
- Beef
- Broccoli
- Apple
- Carrot
Supplementation may also be advisable due to nutrient-depleted foods. I absolutely trust these for purity and bioavailability.