How To Be The BOSS Of Your Emotions!

Do you have mood swings or emotions that seem to come out of no where? Let's face it ... you may not always like your "emotions", or how they treat you ... however, emotions are important for your every day activities.

Discover how you can find balance and be the BOSS over your emotions. 

Gluten and AIP Diet: Can All Foods Be Re-Introduced?

Are you a Celiac, gluten intolerant and/or have been following an AIP diet? How do you know which foods can be successfully re-introduced?

My first exposure to the word "gluten" was through my acupuncturist who suggested I get tested. These 2002 test results came back positive and I proceeded to do my own research on what to do because my doctor had no clue what gluten was or what the test results meant. In 2009 I was diagnosed through a stool test by a functional medicine doctor as having Celiac. Not having a lot of direction I continued to research because just avoiding the "traditional" gluten sources of wheat, barley and rye was not providing full relief.

Why Do You Get Butterflies In Your Stomach?

Have you ever had "butterflies" in your stomach?  Most likely you were nervous about meeting someone new, having an interview or having to give a presentation.  Regardless of the reason ... the fact that those butterflies were there demonstrates the direct link between digestion, mood, health and the way you think.

Root Causes of Histamine Intolerance and How To Manage Them

Histamine is normally produced by your body.  In normal amounts it helps with circulation, focus, digestion.  It serves as a warning sign when something "not normal" happens to your body such as redness and swelling when stung by a bee.  Or, when your eyes are itchy and watery and your nose is running because there is pollen in the air.  In fact, it is actually involved in most functions of your body from breathing, to hormones, to your brain and even anxiety.  These are all "normal" histamine responses.  So, what causes an "overabundance" of histamine to be produced causing "histamine intolerance"?


What may be the triggers for your headaches and digestive issues?

There are many triggers for headaches and digestive issues including gluten and chemicals.......
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