Are you a Celiac, gluten intolerant and/or have been following an AIP diet? How do you know which foods can be successfully re-introduced?
My first exposure to the word "gluten" was through my acupuncturist who suggested I get tested. These 2002 test results came back positive and I proceeded to do my own research on what to do because my doctor had no clue what gluten was or what the test results meant. In 2009 I was diagnosed through a stool test by a functional medicine doctor as having Celiac. Not having a lot of direction I continued to research because just avoiding the "traditional" gluten sources of wheat, barley and rye was not providing full relief.
Read more...Have you ever had "butterflies" in your stomach? Most likely you were nervous about meeting someone new, having an interview or having to give a presentation. Regardless of the reason ... the fact that those butterflies were there demonstrates the direct link between digestion, mood, health and the way you think.
Read more...A 2005 landmark study on celiac disease determined that 60% of children and 41% of adults diagnosed during the study were asymptomatic.
Are gut symptoms the only indicators of gluten sensitivity?
Read more...Your lymph system is your body's built-in "sanitation" system. A sanitation system's job is to filter out and remove poisonous waste products. Your lymph system is the "plumbing" that carries away these waste products from every cell, tissue and organ.
Why does eating "gluten" have an effect?
If you suffer from bloating, gas or stomach cramping, you may have an inflammatory-type bowel condition such as:
- Chrohn’s
- Celiac
These conditions can affect any part of the digestive system...from the stomach where food is broken down .... all the way to the small intestine where absorption of nutrients takes place.
When inflammation is present then the possibility of malabsorption increases. Malabsorption means nutritional deficiencies. What are some of these and what contributes to the malabsorption?