**Updated 12/28/2022
Most people set goals whether they realize it or not. Do you have a day to clean the house or cook a particular meal? These are goals. Having a job that you need to get out of bed every day for is a "daily" goal.
The beginning of a new year is a common time for people to think about goals for the coming year. Unfortunately, the sad statistic is that 80% of people fail to keep their goals after only 2 months. After 6 months only 40% are still working towards their goals.
Goals: Why Do Some Fail?
- Lack of Balance
- Albert Einstein said "Life is like a bicycle...... to keep your balance you must keep moving".
- If your "wheel" is bent or missing spokes, stability and balance will become more difficult.
- The "spokes" or domains of your life must have some balance across them all. If one area is neglected, the rest will also be affected.
- If the goal is to work constantly to build and maintain your "dream house"... what is the point if you do not have your health or the time to enjoy it or your family?
- Focusing on just one area only without thinking how it will affect the other areas of your life does not bring "balance".
- Albert Einstein said "Life is like a bicycle...... to keep your balance you must keep moving".
- Goal is more of a wish rather than a true goal with a plan of action
- Wishful thinking is great, however, without a way to achieve the end result, without a destination plan..... it remains just that..... "a wish".
- Emotional or Mental Barriers
- Imagine someone has offended you. Rather than letting it go and moving forward you continue to hold onto it, dwelling on it.
- "Not letting go" of the offense is like holding "hot coals" in your hands.... refusing to let go of them.
- Focus will be on the pain and suffering that only you are experiencing rather than the goals you are trying to attain.
- Find a way to "let go" rather than continuing to hold on to those emotions and past offenses allowing you to move forward.
Goals: Why You Can Succeed?
- Set goals that are reasonable
- Having goals that are too difficult or too many will overwhelm
- Set short, attainable goals... like stepping stones ... to acheive that larger goal
- Set a date to achieve your goal ... this gives you a focal point for achievement and puts words to action
- Having goals that are too difficult or too many will overwhelm
- Set goals you are passionate about
- Write down your goals
- Goals are always visible when they are written down.... serves as a reminder
- By writing goals down they can be "checked off" when completed
- Later, when you may be feeling as if you have "failed", you can go back and "see" those goals that you checked and were successfully accomplished.
- By setting goals you will have more:
- clarity
- Don't be like "Alice in Wonderland" and not know where you are going
- If you are at a roadblock, having goals will get you where you want to go
- confidence and sense of accomplishment
- achievement reaps confidence
- confidence empowers motivation to accomplish more
- accomplishment releases chemicals in the brain
- causes the desire to reach for more big goals
- focus
- Use the "Focus Filter"
- determine your "long-term goal"
- are these other, day-to-day, short-term goals aligned with your long-term goal(s)?
- If "yes"....go for it
- If "no"....drop it
- keeps things simple
- Use the "Focus Filter"
- live longer, with a purpose and with energy
- goals give you a reason to get out of bed
- goals make you more enthusiastic and energetic
- interesting and bold goals increase your energy levels
- give you a reason to crawl out of bed with energy and enthusiasm rather than with reluctance
- make life happen and provides direction
- goals provide vision and direction in your life
- goals help you to feel in control of your life
- unlock the potential in your heart
- provides the freedom to be yourself
- you become a "better version of yourself"
- setting a goal you are passionate about with "light you up" and will become more attractive to others and your passion will be contagious
- gives you charisma
- someone with no goals tends to be lethargic, bored and look passive
- learn and grow
- success or failure ... you learn from each
- do you consistently set the same type of goals?
- are there goals that are consistently failures or wins?
- are you procrastinating on certain goals?
- success or failure ... you learn from each
- have JOY!
- goals make you H A P P Y!!
- clarity
Doesn't everything just seem to fall apart when your health drops below the wellness line? Motivation just naturally comes along with feeling good. Sometimes, trying to figure out where to start can be overwhelming. A Health and Wellness Voice Scan will provide insight and direction on which areas of your body and lifestyle need the most attention.