Recharge and Energize to Boost Your Productivity 

Whether it's at work, school, or home, everyone can benefit from increased productivity. So, if you are seeking ways to get supercharged, look no further! 

Everyone strives for excellence and efficiency in their professional and personal endeavors. That's why this month is all about sharing extensive knowledge and expertise on ways to enhance your productivity naturally, without relying on artificial stimulants or unhealthy habits.

From practical tips and techniques to essential oils and natural products that support increased productivity, you will discover methods designed to revitalized your energy levels, sharpen your focus, and unlock your true potential. 

We all know the most obvious way to increase your energy is to repair and restore your body through quality sleep. But for so many, sleep is a source of frustration.

Maybe you have a hard time winding down and falling asleep. Maybe you toss and turn all night. Maybe you wake up and can’t fall back asleep. Maybe you wake up tired every morning.

Simply ... getting good sleep is important. So, here 9 sleep tips:
  • Develop a regular daytime activity and a regular exercise schedule
  • Avoid vigorous exercise 4hrs before bedtime
  • Reduce light, excessive temperature, and noise during sleep
  • Help set your "biological clock" with regular meal times 
  • Regulate or avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine
  • Spend 30-60 minutes outside during the day
  • Wind down before bed
  • Turn the clock around or place where it cannot be seen
  • Avoid napping 
Learn more about these tips here. Do you wake up at the same time every night? Then, be sure to check your organ clock

Other Energy Tips for Sleep

  • Ideal sleeping temps are 67-69 degrees-any hotter and the temperature can disrupt your sleep.
  • Sleep on organic cotton, wool or bamboo which are breathable and non-toxic
  • White noise
  • Castor oil packs – detox the body-liver, kidneys, adrenals, digestion, thyroid – add EO
  • Grounding mat – we sleep so good by the ocean, a running river, while camping or in the mountains-surrounded by negative charges that literally give our body life
  • Diffuse or use essential oils topically to help relax the mind and body like Lavender, Frankincense and Peace and Calming. Consider adding in oils like Cedarwood, Palo Santo, and Sandalwood which help stimulate melatonin in the brain. 
  • Add Stress Away oil to your Epsom salts before putting them in a warm bath and settle in so your body and mind can calm down.
  • Supplements – good quality nutritional supplements can improve most aspects of your life, sleep included. 
    • Ashwaghanda: is an adaptogenic herb that helps you adapt to and find balance. Adaptogens read your body's needs during stress and help your respond in a healthy way. Ashwaghanda supports balanced energy and resistance to stress, calming elevated cortisol levels. 
    • B Complex vitamins are required for the proper functioning of the nervous system. They support the production of healthy serotonin and other neurotransmitter levels, which help promote restful sleep. Deficiencies in certain B vitamins (B1, B6, B9/folate, and B12) have been linked to sleep disorders. Super B is methylated and safe for those who have the MTHFR gene mutation.
    • Melatonin: is a hormone largely produced in the gut. There is a direct connection to GI issues, depression and bad sleep. If you’re not producing enough serotonin because of gut issues, then you won’t produce enough melatonin, preventing you from getting deep, restorative sleep. Typically you can use melatonin to help reset your sleep cycles within 2-3 weeks and slowly wean off for so your body can produce its own. You can then use on an as needed basis such as after late nights on the weekend to get back on schedule.
      • Sleep Essence not only contains melatonin but also Valerian, Vetiver, Lavender and Ruta in a convenient capsule.
      • Immupro chewables for when you’re immune system is run down as it contains zinc and selenium for proper immune function, wolfberry for antioxidants, along with other chelated minerals, reishi & maitake mushrooms ... all easily absorbed by the body ... PLUS melatonin which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body's natural sleep rhythm. Because it’s a chewable it works great for kids as well as adults.
    • Unwind: contains l-theanine, 5-htp (5-hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP is a precursor to the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin and the sleep hormone melatonin. 5-HTP is great for supporting the nervous and immune systems, magnesium citrate gets into the body fast, most of us are deficient in and it is often missing to a great degree in people's diet. This natural mineral aids the body in calming the nervous system which then allows you to unwind and relax. Unwind also contains lavender and Roman Chamomile to improve sleep quality while also reducing generalized anxiety. All of these ingredients are great for calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation.
Learn more about these tips by clicking here and here

Endocrine System

The endocrine system is made up of glands that produce and excrete hormones throughout our body from our brain to your reproductive system. When one part of this system isn’t behaving properly, it has a true domino effect on the rest of your body ... including your energy.

The Hypothalamus is the center of emotional health. If you are feeling exceptionally moody, anxious, or depressed, it’s likely you need to support this part of the brain.

The Pituitary gland is connected to our energy levels and is right next to the hypothalamus. If you are fatigued or suffering from migraines, this gland may need a little TLC.

The Thyroid helps control your metabolism and in the US, because of the constant bombardment of toxins we often face, thyroid issues in men and women are fairly common (though never normal). Sluggishness, weight loss or gain, or depression are telltale signs of thyroid problems.

The Adrenal glands support the body’s response to stress. If you find that you crash after stressful moments, are gaining weight, or are feeling anxious, you may need to focus some care on your adrenals.

The Reproductive System consists of all the organs that release reproductive hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. Weight gain, moodiness, and fatigue are big signs that these hormones may be unbalanced.

Energy Tips for Your Endocrine System

The adrenal glands produce Epinephrine that gives the body energy when the body needs to act quickly and with intention. This fight-or-flight hormone is crucial when we are in emergency situations and prepares the body by increasing the heart rate, slowing the activity of the digestive system, and getting the body ready for action. The stress hormone Cortisol is created and breaks down stored protein, turning it into glucose rapidly so the brain can have the energy to deal with stressful situations. These are all helpful things. . . unless we stay stressed out too much for too long.

Excessive Cortisol wreaks havoc on the body’s immune system, encourages weight gain, and leaves us feeling exhausted. A good sign that your adrenal glands need a little extra care is feelings of energy followed closely by extreme fatigue.
  • Naturally calm the nervous system and break the cycle of stress by using oils that help you de-stress emotionally:
    • Stress Away or Peace and Calming. Thieves 
    • Nutmeg (Supports corticosteroid activity which thus supports adrenal function helping support energy and response to stress.)
    • Clove (Known to stimulate healthy circulation, supports energy levels, and relieves fatigue associated with adrenal burnout.)
    • Endoflex and En-R-Gee help promote healthier function. Support your adrenal glands by:
      • rubbing one drop of Nutmeg on the lower back 
      • placing a drop of En-R-Gee on the crown of your head
  • Oil-infusedsupplements
    • Super B helps balance stress hormones and increase energy levels
    • Green Omega 3 helps reduce the body’s response to stress and lowers Cortisol and Epinephrine
    • Mineral Essence aids in calming the body to give your adrenals a chance to heal and work well.
    • Cortistop Supports emotional and physical health through stress mediation. When under stress, the body produces cortisol. When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can have negative health consequences such as feelings of fatigue,
      difficulty maintaining healthy weight, and difficulty maintaining optimal health of your cardiovascular system.
  • Say “no” a little more often and work to simplify life as much as possible.
  • What you eat & drink impacts all areas of your wellness ... including your adrenal health too! If your endocrine system is struggling, reduce foods that negatively impact your already taxed adrenals like sugar, alcohol, non-nutritive white carbs, caffeine.
Learn more about "vegan" Green Omega 3


Mitochondrial deficiency: Your 40 trillion cells contain at least a quadrillion mitochondria. They make, save and spend our ATP which is the energy currency in our cells; generating 90% of our cellular energy. Each mitochondrion holds 0.2 volts, meaning you contain more potential energy than a lightning bolt!  There are 3 primary behaviors that most dramatically degrade mitochondrial function:
  • INSUFFICIENT MOVEMENT. A body that doesn't exercise or is sedentary is sending signals to the mitochondria that it doesn't need more energy, so the mitochondria will decrease energy production, especially in the muscles and heart. When you live in a way that demands more energy, by moving and exercising more, your mitochondria will respond by making more energy to meet your demand.
  • OVERCONSUMPTION. When you overeat, especially high-sugar foods, your cells release a kind of exhaust (reactive oxygen species) that can damage mitochondria and the lining of blood vessels. Fuel the body can't use gets stored in fat cells, which contributes to obesity, which further increases inflammation and other conditions that damage the mitochondria.
  • CHRONIC STRESS WITHOUT RECOVERY. Stress contributes to mitochondrial allostatic load (the cumulative stress load within a cell), which often drives maladaptive behaviors like drinking, smoking, and overeating, all of which further contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction. Without recovery, mitochondria don't get a chance to repair and recharge.

5 Lifestyle Tips for Energy Support

The 5 following things will keep your energy capacity above 50%, are life-extending and will make you 82% less likely to die from cancer, prolong life expectancy at age 50 by an extra 14 years for women and 12.2 years for men due to enhancing their mitochondria:
  • NOT SMOKING. Smoking directly damages mitochondrial quality and function because inhaling concentrated pollution directly into your bloodstream causes an extreme inflammatory response and oxidative stress.
  • EATING A HEALTHY DIET. A nutrient-rich, diverse diet provides your mitochondria with the vitamins, minerals, and cofactors they need to produce energy, and a phytonutrient-rich (plant-rich) diet enables your body to better process and eliminate waste that could otherwise linger in the body and damage mitochondria.
  • EXERCISING. When you exercise regularly, you send signals to your muscles to create more mitochondria, to meet the increased energy demands, especially when your exercise changes frequently and challenges muscles (including the heart muscle) and the brain.
  • MAINTAINING A HEALTHY BODY WEIGHT. Obesity overloads and overwhelms the mitochondria with fuel (fat and glucose), causing them to malfunction, which leads to inflammation and oxidative stress that further damage mitochondria.
  • MINIMIZING ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION. Drinking too much alcohol damages the liver, which is one of the most mitochondria-dense organs. The liver is responsible for blood sugar homeostasis and cellular detoxification. When your liver is impaired, these processes are impaired.
Try These Beverages Instead

Are you ready to embrace a refreshed and energized version of yourself?

Incorporating simple strategies to recharge and energize will not only enhance your well-being, but also boost your productivity to new heights. Start implementing these practices today and witness the transformative impact they can have on your daily life. Just click the link for more information.